tool display filters

Group size

  • 0-5
  • 5-10
  • 10-25
  • 25+


  • <5 min
  • 5-30 min
  • 30-120 min
  • 2-4 hr
  • full day+


  • 1/1
  • 1/10
  • 1/5
  • 1/25


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4


  • online
  • offline
  • online & offline

zone 3mini-campaign challenge

Duration30-120 min
Group size0-5
Online/offlineonline & offline
Develop a campaign plan under time pressure by following concrete steps and adapting your message to the target group.

Thinking about campaigns can be a bit fuzzy. Often it’s hard to focus on the right message, for the right target group, using the right channels. This exercise helps to structure that process.

It can and should be a very simplified version of a campaign or just a small part of it. The exercise mainly structures the thinking around the steps of a campaign and the connection between a target group, message and channel. So don’t try to put your entire communication strategy in one sheet, but focus on a small part of it.

The canvasses can be used in a digital workspace as well - which makes is suitable to do the exercise both online and offline.